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Why are Merle Frenchies Bad? – Unethical Breeding Methods

Last updated on June 8, 2020

You have probably come across several news articles that warn against buying the merle French bulldog. Have you ever asked yourself why Why are Merle Frenchies Bad? Well, below is a detailed explanation of why you need to avoid the Merle French bulldog.

Merle French Bulldog are not Purebred

First off, the merle French bulldog is not purebred. Instead, it is a cross-breed that originated from mixing French bulldogs and Chihuahuas. The merle color is inherited from the Chihuahuas, and this cross-breeding is considered unethical.

Due to this cross-breeding, the Merle Frenchies are prone to several health conditions such as structural defects, congenital disabilities, blindness, deafness, and eye anomalies. The birth mortality rate is also quite high, when compared the merle frenchie to the rest of the French bulldogs.

Genetic Disorders in Merle French Bulldog

The merle French bulldog has a genetic disorder that leads to scaly, dry skin, and increased hair-loss rate. In most cases, you won’t see any of these conditions when it is younger. This is the reason why most people invest in these French bulldogs because they look adorable and healthy in the earlier stages.

However, once your merle Frenchie starts growing up, you will start noticing some of the listed disorders. According to several pieces of research, the merle French bulldog has a short lifespan, compared to other frenchies. However, you may have some fun owning one before it matures, and starts suffering from the above ailments.

What if You Already Have a Merle French Bulldog?

Merlie French BulldogHowever, if you already own a merle Frenchie, then you need to start investing in its health. Ensure that you visit the vet often to have any underlying health problems sorted out. Ensure that you give your merle Frenchie more attention, so that you can notice any issues quickly.

When you buy a merle Frenchie, you have to be prepared to incur extra medical expenses. You will need quality insurance to start with, and it doesn’t come cheap. Most people who have the merle French bulldogs go through several vet appointments every month.

With that in mind, you can now understand why the American Kennel Club (AKC) discourages people from buying rare breeds. Most of those conditions mentioned above come as a result of the unethical breeding methods used on them.

Some breeders even inbreed them, in order to easily get the merle appearance, and make a fortune from it.

Conclusion – Merle French Bulldog

Overall, you need to keep away from the merle French bulldog, to avoid any heartaches and financial struggles in the future. According to AKC, once the unethical breeders notice that people aren’t going for the merle color, then they just might stop the unethical breeding tactics to get them.

The French bulldog may be our favorite pet, and we need to ensure that we protect its future from bad breeders. Those breeders who are driven by greed, rather than love for animals.


Peter Achachi
Peter Achachi

Peter loves furry friends, and takes pleasure in blogging on how to keep them happy. His motto is, "A happy dog is a friendly dog."

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