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Are French Bulldogs Smart? Discover How Intelligent They Are

Last updated on June 8, 2020

The French bulldog has been a companion dog for an extended period. First created in England to serve as a miniature bulldog, their breeders moved to France where the frenchies acquired their name. If you are looking to buy or adopt a French bulldog, then you are probably wondering if french bulldogs are smart dogs..

Why French BullDog Are Smart?

Frenchies are ranked 109th out of the recognised 139 breeds, for dog working intelligence and obedience. They are considered to have a less than average dog intelligence, possibly due to their stubborn nature.

However, that could be deceiving because they are highly adaptive dogs, and they know how to express emotion. Some of the key characteristics that show how intelligent French bulldogs are include the following.

1. Ability to Adapt to Different Situations

The French bulldog is among the friendliest dogs that you could have as a house pet. This breed was specially designed to serve as a companion, which means that it can read its surroundings, and adapt accordingly.

2. Enjoying the Company of Kids and Other Pets

The French bulldog enjoys the company of other pets, children, and people. Understand that it takes a smart animal to be able to coexist with other animals, especially when they are in a confined space. The French bulldog is smart enough to realize that another animal can also be a part of the family.

3. Mild Temperament

The French bulldog has a mild temperament that ensures they relate well with kids. You can rest easy when your kids are playing around with a French bulldog. However, you need to ask your kids to respect frenchies, and avoid acts that would make them aggressive. French Bulldog Temperament

As stated numerous times, the French bulldog has a small size and flat face. Kids can, therefore, cause serious harm when they mishandle a French bulldog. Incorporate several toys in their living space, since they can be quite playful animals.

4. Easy to Train

Lastly, the French bulldog is easy to train when compared to other dog breeds. Only a smart dog is easy to train, and you must know this by now. Within just a couple of weeks, you can have your French bulldog doing precisely what you want. The French bulldog responds quite well to positive reinforcement rather than negative.

While training, ensure that you reward your French bulldog with praise and food. Since it is bred for companionship, these breeds will always want to please the owner. Incorporate a lot of play and walks to keep your dog motivated.

Conclusion – French BullDogs are Smart and Emotional

The French bulldog is, undoubtedly, among the most emotionally intelligent dog breeds that you could have. They are an adorable breed that is perfect for all types of households. Training will only take a short period, and you can introduce them to a family with kids and other pets.


Peter Achachi
Peter Achachi

Peter loves furry friends, and takes pleasure in blogging on how to keep them happy. His motto is, "A happy dog is a friendly dog."

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