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Are French Bulldogs Hard to Train? – Discover Tips and Tricks

Most dog owners struggle to train their first french bulldogs, and some even give up on them. So are French bulldogs hard to train? Well, it depends on how you are doing it. Frenchies are “stubborn” and loving at the same time.

By “stubborn,” we mean they need you to be patient when training them. It will take them time to learn simple commands such as staying in their space, when you command them to “stay.” Therefore, you have to keep repeating your commands until they learn to obey them.

That makes it hard to get them to take your instructions; especially if you are not being firm with your commands. In this frenchie training guide, you will discover a few tips about training French bulldogs.

Are Frenchies Hard to Train to Walk on a Leash?

Frenchies do not like being on a leash, so they will resist it the first few weeks by pulling. However, if you are persistent, and take them out on short walks, they will get used to them. You can also use positive reinforcement to get them used to having a leash on.

To do that, give them their favorite snack immediately after you put a leash on them. Do that for a few days, and they will stop being difficult.

Are Frenchies Hard to Potty Train

Your frenchie will take some time before they learn where to potty. The trick is for you to be patient and create a special area for them to potty. The most important thing is to use their feces to show them where it is okay to potty. The smell will draw them, and before you know it, they will be potty trained.

Frenchies have a sense of smell that is about 40 times stronger than ours is. That means, the next time they want to potty, they can use the smell of their feces or urine to find where they previously relieved themselves.

If you leave any traces of their feces in the wrong place, then they will smell that and potty there. That could be on your carpet, or even seat. We recommend that you use an enzymatic cleaner to get rid of traces of urine and feces, from where you do not want them to pee or potty.

Learn Your Frenchies Habits

One of the easiest ways to train your frenchie is to study its habits and routines. For instance, you can learn how long they take to potty, after they eat. You can also monitor how long they take before they pee, after they wake up.

You can then use that routine to potty train them, or show them where to pee. If you want them to learn to potty outside, then take them out after they eat. The same goes to peeing. If they do it a few minutes after waking up, then be the first to wake them, and take them out.

That will allow them to pee outside, which will create a pattern in their brains, instructing them that peeing must happen outside.

Conclusion – Are French Bulldogs Hard To House Train

Training your frenchie can last from an average of 21 days, or up to eight months. However, once it is house trained, it will be fun to be with, and you can enjoy being the owner of a well-mannered French bulldog. However, if after trying for that long you still have not been successful, you can take them to your vet.

They could be suffering from a condition that makes it hard for them to form a habit. We hope you found this guide to be informative, if you have any questions, please post them in the comments section below.

Peter Achachi
Peter Achachi

Peter loves furry friends, and takes pleasure in blogging on how to keep them happy. His motto is, "A happy dog is a friendly dog."

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